A Walk through British Art

A Walk through British Art


BP Walk through British Art

Tate Britain: Display

Open every day

A walk through British Art offers a circuit of Tate Britain’s unparalleled collection from its beginnings to its end. This ‘walk through time’ has been arranged to ensure that the collection’s full historical range, from 1545 to the present, is always on show. There are no designated themes or movements; instead, you can see a range of art made at any one moment in an open conversational manner.

For more information please visit the Tate website



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Liar Liar 2009, 15 unglazed ceramic figures, Height: 73 cm | 29 in (approx.), Tate Britain 2015
Liar Liar 2009, 15 unglazed ceramic figures, Height: 73 cm | 29 in (approx.), Tate Britain 2015
Liar Liar 2009, 15 unglazed ceramic figures, Height: 73 cm | 29 in (approx.), Tate Britain 2015